
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

PC vs. Mac

Hey everyone,

Not sure if anyone has been to the apple website today but they have just released an new iMac. It looks like a nice machine (27 inches!), however I just got my macbook pro so I won't be buying anytime soon.

For those who are undecided between pc or mac I'll put in my thoughts.

I have grown up using a pc both desktops and 3 laptops (within a three year period) during my university days. After my unsuccessful run with pc laptops I vowed never again will I waste my money on laptop and went with a desktop for my last year of school.

Once I finished school I was able to enjoy more time digital scrapbooking. At this point I realized that my pc was great for essay writing but pretty slow for overlays and textures. I spent a good year or so contemplating the switch to a mac. I spent another 6 months debating between a desktop or laptop. I didn't want to get burned again with a laptop with no power. After hearing good things about mac laptops I went for the macbook pro. It's been nearly 6 months and I dread having to turn on my old pc to grab a file because I've become so used to my high speed mac. It is super fast for all my digital scrapbooking needs. The screen extremely clear and bright. I also love how it automatically adjusts to the lighting and the backlight keyboard. I find it's very portable (13 inches) yet surprisingly enough room to do some serious photoshop work. I did also buy the adapter to use with a tv or monitor but only use it on occasion. When it comes to price Apple products do tend to be more expensive, however providing my laptop lasts a couple of years I'll be doing better than my past pc laptops. So that is a price I'm willing to pay.

While I won't go into the technical details for my preference because honestly I'm basing my opinion on my happiness with performance. With that said I'm extremely happy with my purchase based on speed and reliability. If you are planning to do digital scrapbooking and are considering making the switch I would highly recommend it. Feel free to email me if you have a question, I'd be happy to offer advise.
